Our school is one of the oldest educational institutions in the Belgorod region.
In 2007 our School celebrated her centenary anniversary. But, despite of her respectable ages, she is still young, and she is still full of talent, of initiative, of creativity, of novelty, of investigations. Our school is the storehouse of traditions, of enormous pedagogical experience. And it is not surprising, that the most part of the teachers of our school are highly qualified pedagogues, skilled workmen.
The most important dates of our school:
1907 - the opening of a man's urban gymnasium under the initiative of Chekhov A.I., he was its first director.
1910 - the beginning of employment in a new building of a grammar school designed in modern style by the architect Kornienko
1913 - the first release of the pupils of the gymnasium was held.
1917 - the gymnasium became a comprehensive school for children of the workers.
1920 - our gymnasium is appropriated by the name of F. Engels, in commemoration of the centenary from the date of his birth.
1934 – our gymnasium became secondary school. The directors – Dmitrusenko A.V. and Chernikov N.I. have mobilized a collective on high standards in educational and social jobs.
1934 –On the decision of The National Commissariat of Education, our school was brought in the title list of the best schools of RSFSR.
1937 - the first release of pupils was held.
1941 - 1942 - The job of gymnasium in the time of fascist occupation. Many of our teachers left our town and went to the front: Aleksandrov A.V., EgorovP.V. , VovrenukN,K., GnezdilovI.G., Grechikhin G.I. ,Gorbatovskaya L.R., DubinaM.I.
The pupils of the gymnasium Balitski Dmitri, Ignatenko Petya, Sinitsin Kolya were executed by the fascists in November 1941г.
The 1943 – The education in the gymnasium was renewed. The gymnasium was one of the best schools, became the centre of methodical work of the teachers of area.
1954 - The gymnasium became the centre of friendly meetings of the Russian and Ukrainian pupils.
1969 - the opening of the gymnasium museum of local lore.
which was organized by the teacher of history:Kamenetski I.M.,
Roshchina A.A., Roshchin N.S.
The 1974 - at the gymnasium The Museum of Revolution was opened. The chief of the museum –RoshchinaA.A.
1991 - the school received the status of the author's school. The teachers became members of The Creative Union of the teachers of Russia.
The director of the school – BespalovV.G.
1993 - the school became the winner of the regional competition " School
Year - 93 "
1998 - the school became the winner of regional competition " School
Year - 98 ".
2001 - the school returned the status of a gymnasium
2004 - the gymnasium cooperated with the faculty of pedagogy of BelGU
2005 - the school became the centre of the remote education "Eydos".
The 2006 - The gymnasium is transformed into an average comprehensive school with the profound study of separate subjects. The program " School - high school " is carried out.
The winners of competition of the best teachers of Russian Federation of the priority national project "Education" become the teacher Kornienko O.M. and Madryikin E.N.
2007- winners of competition of the best teachers of Russian Federation of the priority national project "Education" of steel of the teacher of school: VlasovaT.L. and Miroshnichenko R.S..
The directors of school 1907 - 2012
1907 - 1913 –Chekhov A.E.
1913 - 1919 – Kiriakov I.A.
1919 - 1927 – Bulgakov D.D
1927 - 1931 –Lomonossov P.A.
1931 - 1932 -Neguelev R.M.
1932 - 1934 –Dmitrusenko P. V.
1934 - 1934 – Chernikov N.I.
1935 - 1936 – Kovalev V.S.
1936 - 1937 –Shuleshova A. E.
1937 - 1940 -Grednev. F. M.
1940 - 1945 –Egorov P.V.
1945 - 1949 – Belaya O.S.
1949 - 153 – Lukianov V.H.
1953 - 1962 – Vovrenuk N.K.
1962 - 1963 –Kopchenko M.I.
1963 - 1969 –Yurchenko.G.I.
1969 - 1977 – Vovrenuk N.K.
1977 - 1979 –Novikova L. A .
1979 - 1983 –Khrisanov V. A.
1983 - 1988 – Abakumova N.I.
1988 - 2002 – Bespalov V. G.
2002 - 2003 -Chakhlov.E. I.
2004 – Shevchenko V.V.